Together we can transform the future of our society

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“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

Nelson Mandela

Why did we create Friends of Las Tunas ONG?

To ensure the continuity and sustainability of the educational programs that Las Tunas ONG has been providing for over 20 years, with very good results, and that have already benefited more than 4,000 children and young people with the development of new skills.

We know that Argentina has been going through very difficult years in its economy with a volatile and uncertain exchange rate and regulatory policy, which has caused thousands of Argentines to emigrate, seeking new opportunities for their families without forgetting their loved ones or their country.

At the same time, the recurrent crises have reduced the capacity of companies and individuals in Argentina to contribute due to a great recession and economic adjustments.

Therefore, in order to ensure the sustainability of the programs that support the development of more than 250 children and their families each year, we are opening this new door of solidarity in the United States for Argentines and citizens of all nations who believe in the power of education to change the world.

This can be achieved with small contributions from many like-minded people.

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With your commitment we can make a real impact that transforms lives in Argentina.