Digital Education


Generate skills, abilities and talent to access quality jobs through education in digital disciplines.

Promote the development of technical, professional and entrepreneurial skills.

Facilitate labor insertion

Why digital training?

In partnership with FUNCEI, FIDEC, Manos del Sur Foundation and the Guayerd company, we offer a “bridge” between the desire of many young people to transform their lives and the technology industry, which has a growing need for positions that cannot be filled, and is constantly looking for new talent.

In the United States, the European Union and Latin America alone there are 2 million missing software developers. 40% of positions in these areas are vacant. And it is expected that in 2030 this deficit will increase four times.

Our Scholarships in Digital Education

We offer Scholarships for Training in Programming Knowledge and Salesforce Developers. Aimed at young people in their last year of high school.

  • It is taken remotely and/or with the option of studying from our headquarters.
  • It has the accompaniment of Mentors, Tutors and Labor Coach.
  • It has an extension of 9 months in two stages:

-School: 4 months, 3 days a week, 3 hours each time.

-Professional: 5 months 4 days per week 4 hours each time.

Do not lose this opportunity!